Why Ireland?…

Hello The Rest of The World! As we moved to the north side of the city, we experience some internet issues and are not on-line as often as we would like to. Nonetheless, we try to keep you updated and so today we do something so 2013, that is, a list of 10. 
We apologise for a little french “franco-français” and even Paris “parisien” perspective, but we had to chose a point of reference, and the last place we have lived in seemed the obvious one. Here come the 10 reasons to like Ireland:
1. They have a lot of Irish pubs everywhere. They love beer and know how to make it, how to serve it, how to taste it and how to celebrate it. Sometimes they don’t know when to stop it, but, honestly, it is much harder to get really “pissed” (and isn’t it one typical Irish expression, eh?) with beer than with stronger alcohols.
2. You don’t have to wait 1h to get a taxi when you go out of the pub. Actually, the taxis are waiting for you.
3. In order to rent an apartment, you don’t need your grandmother’s sister wage slip. However, you might need it if you want to install an internet connexion at your new place.
4. You can eat whenever you’re hungry. That is, in the daytime. You don’t have to respect any strict eating schedules as in Southern Europe. You might be in more trouble if you’re a night eater, but as we all know, it is bad for your health to eat late!
5. There are many (too many?) cars on the streets but they are such a calm drivers! Horn? What does that serve for?
6. Their anti-tobacco policy works. They just don’t smoke.
7. The waiters here are extremely nice and  remarkably helpful. And just happy to chat with you.
8. In general, everyone is happy to chat with you. The Irish don’t mind your poor English. And they don’t mind repeating three times what they’ve just said in order to help you to understand them. Though they might say it all the three times with the same strong Irish accent…
9. They have little fear of being ridiculous. They love to disguise themselves in a funny way. They prefer to be comfortable rather than to be classy. They like easy-listening pop-rock-folk music and are not ashamed of it. They like Mexican food and are not ashamed of it. “Bref”, they don’t pretend they are more sophisticated that they actually are…
10. If you’re a girl, you won’t be bothered by anyone, even if you are dressed in a provocative way and alone. Nobody will harass you on the street, and the worst thing that can happen to you in a pub is that somebody asks you for your number. And you won’t be called a “%$*&@!! #$%^&*!” if you refuse to give it. Ah, yeah, I think you can feel safe here also when you are a boy.
What a nice place to live, ain’t it?

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